Meeting November 11th

Hey everyone, next week is our November meeting - 11th at 6:30 pm.

Topic is discussion of teaching methods.
Great night for new home schooling families to attend.

Many times the kids are going faster than the curriculum we purchased or slower than. In home schooling that is the blessing. We can speed up or slow down on each subject. They aren't trapped in a one grade one style fits all classroom.

So lets discuss how you handle this and most of all how to handle it with what you have and not have to buy more and more curriculum.
Our group is blessed to have parents who have been home schooling awhile. We can learn from each other and it can be easier to face the situations when there is someone to ask.

So see you next week Wednesday.

blessings, Terry C

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Thanks to the DUMC

Well, as you know we've been planning a thank you to the church where we hold our meetings. They have never charged us for using their facilities. We have our Christmas dinners in their kitchen/Fellowship Hall. We use their heat during the cold months of winter. We get to hold co-op classes there whenever we want. They are so generous.

So the plan is to sing a couple songs and to do the Lords Prayer in sign language with the church. The date for this is Sunday, October, 25th. That is this Sunday. I hope you all can come. We've been practicing. We need to be practicing at home as well. I'll see you at practice this Friday and we'll then go to the service at 10 am on Sunday.

Please Pray

It seems we have made so much progress and grown so strong in the Lord. The enemy feels the need to attack and attack hard. (HSLDA) So as Christians we know the answer is MORE PRAYER.

Read the following and keep them in your prayers as well as all home schooling families and all of those brave and strong in the Lord who fight for God and (us) daily.

Update on Chris Klicka

Prayers for Chris Klicka and his Family

You may not know how different things would be now if he hadn't fought for us. Many of us have been so richly blessed by the work he has done for home schooling. His fight with MS has led him to the hospital (far away from home) and he and his family should be in our thoughts and prayers. As they assemble around him to say good bye. He is an example of faithfulnes to God.

I have heard him speak once and it was a great experience for me. He is inspiring. He never gives up (and he has faced so many difficulties with his health). He always trusts in the Lord. His books are great reading if you haven't yet. Very intelligent man.

He is such an inspiration as a Christian even without what he's done for home schooling. He is a husband and father of 7. When we talk about doing Gods work and following the path God has for us. I pray to be able to do my part. Chris Klicka has.

Songs to Learn - Words & Music


or watch this one ..


or watch this one ...

Watch and learn with the kids. My kids really enjoy practicing and watching the video.
Enjoy! See you all at practice.


September 18th, Friday - BIG E Fair - kids free
Plymouth Plantation trip - Homeschool Day

September 25th, Friday - APPLE Picking 1pm- call Terri G. for directions

October 9th, 16th and 23rd - Friday REHEARSALS FOR Singing at DUMC - 1 pm at DUMC
- Learning Lords Prayer in Sign Language as well as the 2 songs
- DONT FORGET to collect food donations for the church pantry

October 14th, Wednesday - NEXT MEETING - we will have our meeting and rehearse the songs as well
- Last meeting 9 families attended - great! Hope to see you there!

First Meeting of the School Year

WEDENESDAY SEPT. 9th 6:30 pm

See your emails for place.
You know we meet the 2nd Wednesday of every month.
This is our planning meeting.
Bring your ideas. Do you know someone who could speak.
Do you have ideas for a play. What do you want for your kids
this year?
Do you want to take skiing lessons?
Do you want to go sledding?
Do you want to take a snow shoe hike?
Do you want to have the kids take Archery?
Do you want to spend time on Science as a group? Or any other subject.
Lets plan the year.
See you there!!!

End of Summer Party Sat. August 22nd

In order to get to know each other a little better. We are having a party at the Adorno's Saturday August 22nd at 1pm.

Bring your towels and swimsuits. Bring all the kids. All 18 families have been invited and we hope for a good turn out.

If it rains then come the next day Sunday 23rd.

RSVP and let us know what you are bringing.

See you all then. Blessings,


Upcoming Activities - Mark your Calendars

Every Friday at 11am we have soccer.

Astronomy club starts on Tuesday the 16th at 3pm.

Our Summer Picnic is Saturday June 13th 11:30 am.

The Used Curriculum Fair is June 27th. - Go to Masshope website for more info.

Email Terry at for more information.

Pleasant Valley Wildlife Sanctuary Fieldtrip

June 25th is the date - 10 am

bring picnic lunches

make your reservation $5 per person - See Terry

2009 MassHope Convention

The largest Convention in New England.

In its 20th year.

Mark your calendars now! The 2009 convention is scheduled for April 24 & 25 at the DCU Center in Worcester, Massachusetts. Phil Downer is a keynote speaker. More details will be posted at the

Something about our group:

We currently have 19 member families.

We often have field trips.
In the past we have: Visited the Crane Paper Company
Toured the Berkshire Eagle , Toured the Berkshire Atheneaum, Visited the Fire Dept., Toured the Pittsfield Public TV Station, Also the Radio Station, Had a private showing at the Williams College Planetarium and visited the Butterfly Museum in Deerfield, and many more.

We have a yearly Christmas dinner party and summer picnic in June.

We offer social activities for the kids and a great support network for the family who is choosing to homeschool their child(dren).


You have found the Heritage Home School Support Group from Central Berkshire County.

We are a MassHope Affiliated Group.

We meet monthly 2nd Wed of each month

at 6:30 pm

You are welcome to come see what we are about.

Kids are welcome.

For more information please email Terry Clemons at